How To Draw A Realistic Tree

Stage 8 Small Details

How to Draw a Tree (Realistic)

Create a new layer and take Running Color Spray. Make it really big and place some particles there. I prefer adding the yellow ones, they are warm and look nice. These particles might be some seeds spread by air, or fireflies, or just some mystic magical yellow particles like in my case XD Also, add some of those in more concentrated groups within the trees borders those are moss outgrowth. You may also take a different spray or just make the current one smaller if your tree is old and overgrown. Once you are satisfied with how they are located, blur some of them.

Now we will add some grass so our tree wont just fly in the space. The names of the brushes are and Grassland . First, add some dark ones, for the background.

And then several layers of more light ones everythings simple!

Just spread them naturally and keep an eye on other objects: the gras might grow on roots, but the most of it should surround them, so you should also watch the roots to cover it where necessary. Also, add some shadow and light on the grass – this will make it look as an integral part of the artwork and not just plain lines.

Create a Multiply layer, pick the Shadow airbrush with some nearly black shade and draw the shadow from the tree. Nothing special and really nothing more to explain.

Add The Final Details

The last step in your palm tree drawing is to add details. You can do this by including more branches and leaves to your tree, or you can also draw character into the bark of your palm tree. For the latter, draw loose, letter S shaped lines around each part of your tree trunk.

Add details to your palm tree to make your drawing complete.

Add Some Final Details

Add some final details in the top part of the tree and smudge them as well.

And with that, you are done!

So, in essence, the main secret when it comes to drawing trees is simplicity. Keep it as simple as possible and keep your silhouette sharp and defined.

If you liked this guide I have a few other guides on how to draw a rose and how to draw a dragon in watercolor and digitally.

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How To Draw A Pine Tree

Pine trees are a popular choice for artists who enjoy drawing trees because theyre fairly basic in shape but also easy to individualize. Most pine tree drawings begin with a triangular shape, representing the characteristic growth pattern of pine trees. From there, its up to you to decide what kind of details to add to make the pine tree unique

When it comes to pine tree drawings, options for creative expression abound!

How To Draw Trees Easy Step By Step Guide

How to draw a realistic tree for beginners

Who pursue careers in the art will always benefit from being able to draw from real-life experiences? Most people find that it is improbable or even impossible to draw trees. If they could go outside, they may not have access to a mature tree that stands alone, in a lovely secluded location, where they could draw.

Fortunately, trees have many characteristics in common, and if they learn about how to draw trees, they can start making their imaginations come to life in pictures.

The vast majority of people will draw a tree trunk, then cap it with a cloud shape if they are supposing to draw a tree the way they are using to. They might draw trees with lots of rectangles instead of branches when the trees are bare.

A trees structure is showing in this tutorial, along with how it follows a formula and has randomness. Beginners could follow my diagrams more closely. Experienced users could vary their approach. There would even be room for leafy bunches in front of some branches.

You will learn how to draw trees in this tutorial using simple techniques that are both realistic and easy. I made some drawings using a regular sketching pencil, but it doesnt matter what medium you use.

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Check The Thickness Of The Trunk

Now that the top of the tree is essentially complete, we will soon focus our attention on the left side of the tree. Before doing so, however, lets double-check the thickness of the trunk to make sure there is a realistic flow of the branches into the various areas containing the leaves.

We can begin by sketching some of the main arms of the tree that are likely to diverge from the central trunk. Here, Im sketching a neck for the top and an arm for the right side. Notice how Im keeping the neck thinner than the trunk below it but thicker than the branches above it. There should be a smooth and believable transition in size from the thick trunk at the base of the tree to the tiniest branches at the trees outer edges.

After that, I drew another arm branching from the trunk to the left side of the tree. As this hidden structure takes form, I can now see that I should make my trunk slightly thinner than I originally had it.

At this point, I finished reshaping the trunk and erasing its initial outline. I also sketched a few smaller branches on the left and right side of the tree. This is more of an optional step and was primarily meant to demonstrate how you might draw most of the trees branches first if you were drawing a tree without too many leaves. However, since this tutorial is meant to show you how to draw a tree with leaves, we shouldnt draw too many branches to begin with. If we did, it would be difficult to draw all of the leaves over them.

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Character Illustration, sketching tips, ink drawing, pencil portraits, and more.

Trees are one of natures most beautiful resources. From preserving air quality to providing a shady place to rest on a summer afternoon, theyre vitally important to our survival and our happiness.

With over 60,000 different documented species on planet Earth, trees are also excellent source materials for artists or anyone whos interested in learning how to draw a tree. In this guide, youll discover everything you need to know to create a tree drawingand hopefully gain new appreciation for our lush, leafy, life-givers along the way!

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Create The Shadow Of The Palm Leaves

Before you draw your leaves in, you need to shade the top of your trunk darker to mimic the shadow cast by the palm leaves. Use the below picture for guidance on how dark to make your tone.

Dont worry if you dont know exactly how the leaves are going to fall just yet, we will come back to this step again once your palm tree leaves are done.

Keys To Drawing Trees


It’s easy to become overwhelmed when you look at a tree. There are so many details! But to draw one accurately, we need not be consumed with these details. Instead, we’ll breakdown the tree into three simple aspects. We’ll develop each aspect individually, following a structured approach.

Step 1 – Find the Shape – The first thing we’ll do is define the overall shape of the tree. Drawing lightly with the 2H pencil, we’ll concentrate only on the outer contours.

With the outer contours defined, we’ll next find the smaller shapes within the canopy of the tree. These locations are “clumps” or collections of leaves found at the end of the branches.

Step 2 – Develop the Texture – Using the defined shapes as a guide, we’ll start to develop the texture of the leaves. This process requires patience. Take your time and remain consistent. It is not necessary to draw every leaf, instead we’ll create the illusion of collections of leaves. We’ll think about each “clump” or collection of leaves as a form, developing the highlights and shadows on each.

Organic collections of lines can be used to create the illusion of the texture. These lines may be small squiggles that overlap. Be sure to leave an organic and irregular edge around the outer contours of the tree and leave small open spaces within the canopy.

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Materials Used To Draw A Tree With Leaves

Here is a list of the materials I am using for this drawing.

If you dont have some of these materials, thats okay. You can still make do with a regular pencil and eraser, as long as you just get started!

If you wish to purchase any of these materials, they can be found at your local art store, or you can buy them using the links below.

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Finalizing The Shadows And Highlights

Start this final step by adding another layer of light shading with an even lighter shade of grey. Add this shading to the same areas that you did for the previous step. This final layer of shading helps to diffuse the harsher shadow from the previous step and make it look more natural. Next, you can take a white shade of your paint or pencils, and add a highlight to the top of each of the bunches of leaves. Make sure that this highlight is well blended into the green color for the most realistic effect.

And just like that, you have drawn a leafy green tree! We hope that you have enjoyed this first tree drawing tutorial, continue down for the conifer drawing tutorial next.

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Draw The Leaflets On The Palm Leaves

Add thin lines close together on each leaf as shown in the picture below. These are the leaflets and its perfectly fine if they all look slightly different from the surrounding leaflets, because that makes them look more natural and realistic.

Palm tree leaves are slotted, and these lines will be the basis for fleshing out these leaves as we can continue with the next steps.

Adding The First Splashes Of Color

How to Draw a Realistic Christmas tree with pencil | #Draw step by step

The first splashes of color we add are going to be to the branches and the tree trunk. You can add color with the medium of your choice, be that paint or colored pencils. Use a light to medium brown shade as your base color, and carefully color in each of the dainty branches and the main tree trunk. One of the most important parts of tree trunks drawings is getting the color right.

Tip: You do not want to go in with a very dark brown immediately. If you start with a very dark brown, you will not be able to add extra shading details in the next steps.

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What You Will Need

  • Soft pencil
  • Pencil sharpener

A common no 2 pencil, also known as HB, is very universal, but it’s not perfect for every task. We need softer pencils to achieve darker shades. These aren’t some special, expensive toolsI bought mine in a dollar store and they work just fine. Even if you’re not sure if drawing is for you, a set of graded pencils is not a huge investment, and they certainly make learning more convenient!

You’ll also need a pencil sharpener. A blunt tip creates slightly lighter strokes and disturbs the overall texture. Keep your pencils sharp during this tutorial, and remember that soft pencils blunt faster!

As for the paper, it can be any kind. Cheap printer paper will do great for these exercises. However, don’t make your drawings as big as the whole sheetthe smaller the drawing, the less detail it will need. My examples are about 9 cm high.

Draw The Centerpoint Of The Palm Tree

Now that your palm tree has a trunk, add a small circle above the apex of the trunk to hold space for the centerpoint of its leaves. Your circle does not need to be touching the apex of the trunk, as the leaves will fill in to create distance and height for the palm tree.

This small circle holds space for the palm trees leaves.

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Stage 6 The Magic Of Light

Create a Color Dodge layer and pick some nice and sunny color of some slightly faded yellow, orange or even red shades. Since we are still drawing a fantasy tree, a strong and blurry lighting effect will make it look mystically and majestically. Using a big soft airbrush lay the light on the current main light on the Color Dodge layer weve created. We dont need the selection at this step, the tree should nearly glow with this effect.

Now create two more layers below the Color Dodge one. They should be with Multiply and Add preferences – as on the pic. Take this brush once more and repeat the same texturing process we did in the third stage – the only difference is that there are Add and Multiply layers now instead of the two Multiply back then. We do this to cover the second pic of the tree with the same texture below a bit to make it look more artistic.

Finish The Top Of The Tree

How to Draw Trees

With a 4B pencil, begin to shade some of the darker shadow areas. Look for the round shapes from earlier and put additional shading over some of the tones previously applied with the 2B pencil. Keep most of these darker shadow areas away from the lighter areas of the same shape. However, you can still put the dark shadow of one leaf collection shape against the lighter leaves of a different collection. Doing this will create some contrast that will help to distinguish the various patches from one another, ultimately leading to a more pleasing end result.

Keep working in the same manner. Continue to look for the different collections of leaves and put shading on and between each one. Use the same short, abstract markings from earlier to create a leafy texture. Keep in mind that the sunlight is coming from the upper right, so you should emphasize the shadows in the lower left area of each group of leaves.

Begin to draw some branches showing through some of the openings on the top area of the tree. Be aware of the path the branches are likely taking from the main trunk of the tree. Although these tinier branches are mostly hidden behind the leaves, they still have an important role in the structure of the tree. Therefore, you should draw branches that reflect that structure.

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Outlining The Shape Of The Tree Canopy

In this step of the tree drawing tutorial, we are going to create the general outline of the tree canopy. For this outline, you can use one single continuous line, that dips in and out of the construction arc. Within this continuous canopy line, you want to have sharp curves and arches, that represent the outlines of many leaves. At the bottom of the horizontal baseline, you can wrap this canopy outline around the points where your bark detailing extends above.

Tip: You can use the branch construction lines to help you map out the dips and points of your canopy outline. Once you have finished your outline, you can erase any and all remaining construction lines.

Constructing The Base Outline Of The Conifer Tree

One of the trickiest parts of drawing a pine tree is getting the shape correct. We use an easy construction triangle to help us get this shape spot on! Begin drawing an elongated triangle from the top point of the main trunk construction line. You can end the triangle slightly above the root construction lines.

Make sure that your triangle is even and extends the same distance on either side of the main trunk construction line.

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Learn How To Draw A Tree In A Step By Step Drawing Tutorial We Will Show You In A Very Easy Style For Beginners

Here we will show you how to draw a tree very quickly and easily because we want to draw trees from early childhood. The first thing that we usually see around is trees. We have a desire to draw a tree, a house, our dog, a cat, and everything that we constantly see around us in everyday life.

In general, to improve your drawing skill, you need to constantly practice, draw everything around us. Objects, cars, animals, devices, and so on. Only by practice will you achieve the desired result in the skill of illustration and drawing.

Drawing & Painting Supplies:

  • Colored marker, crayon, or felt-tip pens, colored pencils
  • Drawing paper .

How to Draw a Tree

  • Draw the top part of the foliage of the tree.

    The first step is to start at the top of the tree. This can be easily drawn by repeating the lines shown in the example in the first step.

  • Draw the bottom of the foliage.

    Continue drawing the leaves of the trees by adding the lower part of this part of the drawing.

  • Draw the tree trunk.

    Now sketch out the top of the tree trunk. Try to draw the tree trunk more realistic.

  • Draw the bottom of the trunk.

    Finish drawing the trunk of the tree by drawing the trunk closer to the root.

  • Draw the second part of foliage.

    To make the drawing more realistic, you need to create a more voluminous drawing. To do this, draw the continuation of the foliage of the tree, which is visually further away.

  • Correct the drawing.
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